Spam Filters in Shared Hosting
Our shared hosting servers employ one of the very best anti-spam filters available on the market. It is called SpamAssassin and is offered with each and every shared web hosting plan, so in case you host your domains with our company, you can choose one of the five levels of security that the filter offers for any email account that you’ve got here. You can do this with just two clicks from the Email Manager section of the Hepsia Control Panel that is used to manage all cloud web hosting accounts. SpamAssassin analyzes the header and the body of every message, gives it a spam score and then proceeds according to the level that you have selected. Every email account can have a different setting and you can select whether the emails that the filter marks as spam should be deleted or redirected to some other email address where you can view them at a later point in time, so as to prevent erasing a legitimate email message. Switching to another level or disabling the protection is also pretty easy.
Spam Filters in Semi-dedicated Servers
In case you decide to use the mail service that is offered with our Linux semi-dedicated servers, you can keep all unasked-for messages out of your mailbox by enabling the 5-level anti-spam protection service that we offer with each semi-dedicated hosting plan. This can be achieved through the fully featured Email Manager section of the hosting Control Panel and we employ the powerful SpamAssassin spam filter to make sure that we offer the best possible protection for our clients. You can have a different protection level for each mailbox and you can select whether the filtered messages should be erased or redirected to another email account where you can review them later to make certain that you won’t miss legitimate email messages. Switching to some other level of protection or deactivating the spam protection is also easy and requires a few clicks.