Employing our Site Optimization Resources, you’ll be able to focus on your site’s reputation straight from your own Web Hosting Control Panel. Via the Sitemap Generator you can get an in–depth sitemap for your website within a few minutes. You’re able to send the sitemap to the major search engines so they could scan your site in the shortest time. At the same time, through the RSS News instrument, you’ll be able to deploy routinely kept up to date content on your website, which is a promise for better listing positions with the search engines. Our GeoIP re–direction tool will enable you to route site visitors from a particular country into a specific language variation of your site for more accurate marketing end results.

A Sitemap Generator

Make a sitemap with all of your web pages in an instant

The easiest method to get your newly launched site scanned by the major search engines is to send a sitemap. The sitemap shows all the webpages within your site and by posting it to a search engine, you tell it that you want those pages to get listed in a timely manner. Sitemaps are usually generated by third–party tools. However, with us, it’s not necessary to move out of your Web Hosting Control Panel. Our own inhouse built Sitemap Generator is incorporated within the Advanced Resources area and is going to create a sitemap on your behalf in a mouse click.

All that you should do is pick the highest quantity of pages you want to be listed, the depth of the indexed hyperlinks and also the extension of the sitemap document.

Sitemap Generator

GeoIP Redirection

Redirect visitors based on their whereabouts

Using the GeoIP re–direction tool that is integrated into the Domains Manager of the EZ Weather Web Hosting Control Panel, you can re–direct your visitors according to their geographic area. For instance, if you have a number of language variations of your web site, you are able to generate a certain language version to immediately open for customers from the country where that language is used. In this way, if a customer from France opens your site, she will be immediately brought to the French release, without the need to change to French on her own. To use the GeoIP re–direction application , you don’t need any kind of knowledge or tech capabilities. Just indicate the geographic area of the visitors and the link to your site that you want to come up for them automatically.

GeoIP Redirect

RSS News

Show the most current news on your site

What is RSS? RSS is a technology for publishing and collecting site content. It’s being commonly used by information websites, private blogs, bulletins, etc. The published content is readily gathered by a news reader and afterwards presented to the user. Using RSS, end users will be able to get updates from multiple sites and review them in a sole area.

With the RSS News Syndication tool, you can easily insert headlines feeds coming from many of the world’s most widely used information sites and showcase them on you web site.

RSS News