When you upload information on a web hosting server, it will need a certain amount of storage space on the hard disk drive dependent on its overall size. When you have a script-driven internet site which saves its info in a database, it will take more disk space, the more people use it. For example, in case you have a discussion forum, the more responses people leave, the greater the database gets. E-mails, in particular ones using attachments, also require some disk space in the website hosting account. The hard disk space quota that you get with each shared hosting provider is the full amount of information you can have at any moment, and it contains site files, messages and databases. Similarly, a computer has a hard disk drive and the computer software installed on it and any documents or music files that you make or download take some space, which cannot surpass the total capacity of your hdd.

Disk Space in Shared Hosting

Using our shared hosting packages, you'll never be worried about disk space. While most companies create accounts on a single server and sooner or later all the server hdd space will be in use, we've implemented a cloud website hosting platform where the files, email messages and the databases are handled by different clusters of servers. As a result, each machine performs better since just one kind of processes is working on it, and the disk storage is practically unlimited because we will always attach extra servers or hard drives to the cluster, based on whether we require additional processing power or perhaps more storage space. You won't ever be in a position when you cannot upload more files as there is no available disk space on the server, that's an issue you can come across with many other suppliers. If you use our hosting services, you can rest assured that insufficient space will not be an issue for the development of your web sites.

Disk Space in Semi-dedicated Servers

All our semi-dedicated server plans have "disk space" as a feature to emphasize that it is completely limitless. We can achieve that by using a revolutionary, custom-made cloud hosting system, where your files, databases and emails will be located on different clusters of servers. We are able to add extra hard drives or whole servers to all of the clusters and whenever necessary, and furthermore our website hosting Control Panel is designed to work with this type of platform. By contrast, nearly all Control Panels on the hosting market can work only on a single server, and irrespective of what various suppliers promote, they actually set up a variety of accounts on a single machine. Using a semi-dedicated server package from us, you'll never need to worry about disk storage limits and you can give full attention to developing your websites.

Disk Space in VPS Servers

All our VPS servers include disk space quotas proportional to the processing power that you receive with each plan. Employing a higher package, for instance, it is more likely that you'll host various domains or just a single big website, hence the disk space will increase as you upgrade the package. If you select our Hepsia hosting Control Panel, all of the domain names will share the space, and if you pick cPanel or DirectAdmin, you are able to make distinct website hosting accounts and preset a restricted volume of the total VPS storage for every specific site. You will even be able to reallocate disk space from one domain to another if needed. If you obtain a particular VPS package and you require additional storage at some point, you can upgrade to a greater plan with just a couple of mouse-clicks in your billing area. The added system resources will be added to your present plan without any downtime or content migration.

Disk Space in Dedicated Servers

Because of the hdd storage that we supply with all of our dedicated servers, we warrant that you'll be able to operate every site whatever its volume. You will get no less than 500 GB storage space, which you're able to employ as you see fit - even for private file storage. As standard, you'll get two hard disk drives, that can be used on their own, so as to take advantage of their overall storage capacity, or they can be connected in RAID so that one will mirror the second one in real time to make sure that you will not miss important data in the event of a hardware malfunction. You'll also be given the option to put extra hard disks to upgrade the total hard disk space you can use even more. This makes it possible for you to make a file or image storage portal without any problems if you would like. Thanks to the cPanel and DirectAdmin hosting Control Panels that we provide, you can create an independent account for each domain that you host on the server and pre-set an allowance for the storage space it can use. If you go for the third choice, our in-house built Hepsia Control Panel, all of the domain names will be managed in a single and they'll share the whole server hard disk space.