Top–of–the–line dedicated hosting services for web sites created for individuals who live in the USA, Canada or Latin America.

If you would like to guarantee an exceptionally fast site load speed for your customers from the United States, Canada or Latin America, you need to search for a very powerful web hosting solution as well as a topflight datacenter in the region. We, at EZ Weather, offer you the option to get a top–drawer dedicated servers in one of the best–connected datacenters in the US, which is physically located in the heart of Chicago.

The data center in the USA provides terrific connectivity and complete power redundancy and works with some of the leading telecommunications service providers in North America. If you would like to host your web sites in this datacenter as well, then just indicate it on our hosting order page.

On the order page, you can select between a few different powerful dedicated server configurations featuring Gbit Network Interface Cards and abundant monthly traffic and RAM memory allocations. On the signup page, you’ll be able to select your preferred Operating System (Ubuntu, CentOS or Debian). Besides, you will get full root access to the server and a 99.9% network uptime guarantee. On top of that, our admins will configure the dedicated server instead of you at no charge.

Other US Hosting Services

In case dedicated hosting servers are a bit costly for you, in our data center in the USA you’ll find plenty of other web hosting options. Our US Located Shared Hosting packages feature a 99.9% network uptime guarantee, a academy domain for just $15.99 along with unlimited disk space and traffic allowances. Our US Located VPS Hosting Plans offer much more raw power than our Linux shared hosting accounts do and are a very good option for resource–demanding websites. With our US Located Semi-dedicated Plans, you’ll be able to combine the user–friendliness associated with a Linux shared hosting account (no server administration duties, no need for particular server monitoring operations, no training required) and the power of a dedicated server.

  • Domain Names

  • .ACADEMY - $15.99/year
  • .BARGAINS - $11.49/year
  • .CAFE - $9.99/year
  • Compare Domain Names